Anticoagulation in Glaucoma Surgery


Rahman SI, Turalba A. Anticoagulation in Glaucoma Surgery. Semin Ophthalmol 2017;:1-4.

Date Published:

2017 Nov 16


Anticoagulation medications are used commonly, particularly in an elderly population. There are many systemic diseases and scenarios that require modulation of coagulation to prevent serious adverse outcomes. While there is some consensus about their use in cataract surgery, there is less certainty about their management with glaucoma surgery. Glaucoma surgery presents a unique challenge when considering anticoagulation. Currently, there is great diversity in surgeon practices regarding anticoagulation in glaucoma surgery. Based on available evidence, it is unclear whether it is beneficial to hold anticoagulation, with or without bridging therapy, leading up to a planned surgery. Considering the potential serious adverse outcomes related to holding anticoagulation therapy, altering these medications for glaucoma surgery should be done sparingly and in consultation with the primary prescriber of such medications.

Last updated on 11/30/2017