Management of Transient Monocular Vision Loss and Retinal Artery Occlusions.


Vodopivec I, Cestari DM, Rizzo JF. Management of Transient Monocular Vision Loss and Retinal Artery Occlusions. Semin Ophthalmol 2017;32(1):125-133.


Acute transient or permanent retinal occlusive disease requires prompt medical attention and can be an ophthalmological emergency. Central retinal artery occlusion leads to permanent and severe monocular visual loss in the majority of patients. Transient monocular vision loss leaves no permanent deficits, but requires the same level of clinical vigilance, as it portends possible future adverse events, including loss of vision and stroke. Acute treatment options remain limited, and secondary prevention of cerebral ischemic events is the mainstay of management. This article reviews the current evidence for managing patients with retinal ischemia.

Last updated on 02/13/2017