Axon Regeneration in the Mammalian Optic Nerve


Williams PR, Benowitz LI, Goldberg JL, He Z. Axon Regeneration in the Mammalian Optic Nerve. Annu Rev Vis Sci 2020;6:195-213.

Date Published:

2020 Sep 15


The damage or loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons accounts for the visual functional defects observed after traumatic injury, in degenerative diseases such as glaucoma, or in compressive optic neuropathies such as from optic glioma. By using optic nerve crush injury models, recent studies have revealed the cellular and molecular logic behind the regenerative failure of injured RGC axons in adult mammals and suggested several strategies with translational potential. This review summarizes these findings and discusses challenges for developing clinically applicable neural repair strategies.

Last updated on 09/30/2020