Severe bilateral ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum


Solyman O, Elhusseiny AM, Hashem HA. Severe bilateral ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum. J AAPOS 2020;

Date Published:

2020 Jul 01


We present a case of bilateral ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum in 1-day-old girl and describe our surgical approach. The bands connecting the upper and lower eyelids of both eyes were severed using blunt scissors. Point bleeding at the cut bands stopped in 1-2 minutes, without the need for cauterization or compression. The patient was able to open her eyes shortly after the procedure, as she woke up from anesthesia. Examination under general anesthesia showed normal eye examination appropriate for age. Postoperatively, the patient maintained open palpebral fissures. Visual development over 3 years' follow-up was normal.

Last updated on 07/31/2020