2023 Ophthalmology Residents' Night Off...Brought to You By a Few Former Trainees and Supporters

June 30, 2023


On June 23, Harvard Ophthalmology alumni and faculty members took a trip down memory lane to give our current ophthalmology residents a well-deserved night off.Faculty members Grayson Armstrong MD, MPH; Alice Lorch, MD, MPH; Elizabeth Rossin, MD, PhD; David Friedman, MD, PhD, MPH; Michael Lin, MD; Katie Luo, MD, PhD; Clifford Kim, MD; and former Chief Resident Neal Patel, MD, took over the Ophthalmology Emergency Service at Mass Eye and Ear and provided consults across multiple Harvard hospitals while our trainees enjoy an evening off. Thank you to our faculty alumni volunteers for making this annual event possible.

See also: Alumni, Trainees