Proptosis Regression After Teprotumumab Treatment for Thyroid Eye Disease


Rosenblatt TR, Chiou CA, Yoon MK, Wolkow N, Lee NG, Freitag SK. Proptosis Regression After Teprotumumab Treatment for Thyroid Eye Disease. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 2023;

Date Published:

2023 Oct 04


PURPOSE: This study analyzed the degree and timing of proptosis regression after teprotumumab therapy. METHODS: A retrospective study of all patients who completed 8 teprotumumab infusions at 1 institution from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022. Change in proptosis was assessed in millimeters and percentages compared with immediate post-treatment and pretreatment proptosis. RESULTS: Of 119 patients with post-treatment data (mean follow-up 10.56 months, range: 3.05-25.08), 208 (87.39%) eyes of 110 patients had initial proptosis improvement. Of the 78 patients with multiple follow-up visits, 102 (65.38%) eyes of 59 patients had proptosis regression averaging 12.78% (range: 1.85-58.82%) compared with immediately post-treatment or 2.43 mm (0.5-10.0 mm). Eight (7.84%) eyes had initial documentation of regression more than 1 year after treatment, 40 (39.22%) between 6 months and 1 year, and 54 (52.94%) eyes within 6 months with 25 (46.30%) of these continuing to worsen at subsequent follow-up. Forty (25.64%) eyes of 24 patients had more proptosis at most recent follow-up than before teprotumumab, with an average regression of 1.53 mm (0.5-4.0 mm) or 7.74% (1.85-20.69%) of pretreatment proptosis. In comparison, 99 (63.46%) eyes of 54 patients maintained improvement, with reduction averaging 3.13 mm (0.5-11.0 mm) or 13.19% (1.92-41.67%) of pretreatment proptosis (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Two-thirds of eyes had regression despite initial teprotumumab response, typically within 1 year of treatment, with ongoing worsening over time. Most patients maintained some proptosis reduction compared with before treatment despite regression, although 25% were worse than pretreatment. The occurrence of regression was independent of the pretreatment duration of clinical thyroid eye disease. Overall, compared with preteprotumumab, there was a greater amount of improvement than regression at most recent follow-up.

Last updated on 11/04/2023