Dynamic imaging of paralytic eyelid disorders


De Castro DK, Hadlock T, Fay A. Dynamic imaging of paralytic eyelid disorders. Semin Ophthalmol 2012;27(5-6):167-74.

Date Published:

2012 Sep-Nov


PURPOSE: Eyelid dysmotility may result from trauma, tumors, inflammation, infection, and a variety of other conditions. In these cases, a mechanical effect is disrupting a normal neuromuscular apparatus. Dysmotility can also be caused by paralytic eyelid disorders; included in this broad category are neurologic and myogenic disorders of eyelid opening and/or closure. Secondary effects include spastic eyelid closure and synkinesis syndromes. These conditions, by definition, are disorders of movement, and can only be studied adequately using dynamic imaging techniques. METHODS: A comprehensive literature search was performed on PubMed. Ninety abstracts were reviewed. RESULTS: Dynamic eyelid imaging has evolved dramatically over the past two decades, at least partially due to the rise of inexpensive digital technology. Magnetic search coil imaging, high- and low-speed videography, electromyography, and high-resolution microscopy coil magnetic resonance imaging each has its advantages and disadvantages, an understanding of which will guide appropriate selection of technology in any given clinical situation. CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic eyelid imaging is useful to study dysmotility. The optimal technique depends upon the clinical setting and the physiologic or pathologic topic of interest. To our knowledge, a report of this type has not been previously summarized.

Last updated on 12/11/2018