Management of multi-surface ocular burns caused by molten iron


Singla E, Jha UP, Muralidharan S, Singh RB, Ichhpujani P. Management of multi-surface ocular burns caused by molten iron. Trauma Case Rep 2023;48:100925.

Date Published:

2023 Dec


Ocular thermal burns are medical emergencies that require immediate intervention before the standard management protocol, which involves obtaining a detailed history and performing an ophthalmic examination. In this case report, we report the clinical manifestations of ocular burns caused by molten iron and the steps taken for good clinical outcomes. The patient presented with an inferior epithelial defect and limbal and lower lid ischemia at four hours post-injury. Over the course of treatment, due to non-resolving epithelial defect and increased superior lid notching, amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) and lid repair by pentagon wedge excision were performed. Following AMT, the corneal surface completely healed with residual opacity and neovascularization. Additionally, limbal ischemia was significantly reduced with the restoration of normal lid anatomy. Corneal burns initiate a cascade of inflammatory reactions disrupting the balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors, leading to corneal neovascularization. The eyelid damage can lead to necrosis of tissues with eschar formation and eventually quantitative tissue loss. Therefore, timely intervention is the key to the successful management of ocular burns.

Last updated on 01/03/2024